What is the Golden Rule?
I am very saddened to report within our organization that many people have forgotten the meaning of the Golden Rule. Do unto others as you would have done unto you. We are all leaders in our own way. A good leader is not a dictator. A title does not make you a good leader. Leaders should lead by example. What is the example you are setting? I have been getting calls and e-mails from members at the Unit level asking what to do about “troublemakers” within the Unit. First of all, why are they troublemakers? A troublemaker is a person who habitually causes difficulty or problems, especially by inciting others to defy those in authority.
Now, let’s look at something happening within the Units that could have people marked as troublemakers. A new member attends a few meetings and asks questions about how or why things are done. The President of the Unit replies, “Because it is written in our governing documents, that’s why.” Put yourself in that new member’s shoes. How would you feel? I know if I were treated that way as a new member, I would not be returning to meetings nor renewing my membership. In this case, the Unit President should have said,” After the meeting, I would be more than happy to sit with you and explain why and how we do things.” As a new member, I would appreciate that. This member is not a troublemaker.
Another situation: A member of a Unit is elected President. This person has been a member for less than a year. The member who did not win the election talks bad about the new President to Unit members. The new President is opening their first Unit meeting and is very nervous. The member who did not win the election is sitting at a table with their clique and is being very disruptive and disrespectful. The same member talks over other members when they have the floor and argues with anyone who disagrees with their point of view. This is a troublemaker.
The President politely asked the member to stop being disruptive and to have a conversation after the meeting to discuss her issues with the President. How would you have reacted to this situation if you were the New President? More importantly, how would you have felt if you were this President?
As I mentioned in the last scenario, the member who did not win the election sat with their clique. I don’t know about all of you, but I do not believe in cliques or teams within our organization. There is one team and one team only… TEAM ALA! None of us are perfect, nor do we know everything, but if we all helped each other and abided by the Golden Rule, the sky would be the limit for our organization.
Thank you all for the continuous hard work you have been doing working our programs and for our Veterans and their families. I greatly appreciate each and every one of you