Michigan Girl Stater to Receive a $5,000 Scholarship from The American Legion

LANSING (October 15, 2024)—On October 11, the American Legion National Office in Indianapolis, Indiana, announced the Samsung American Legion Scholarship recipients.  Recipients are selected from high school juniors who attended American Legion Auxiliary Girls State or American Legion Boys State. Who are direct descendants (i.e., child, grandchild, great-grandchild, or legally adopted child) of a U.S. wartime veteran who served on active duty during one or more of the periods of war officially designated as eligibility dates for membership in The American Legion. Scholarship winners are selected based on academic record, involvement in school and community activities, community service, and financial need.

Nadia Grierson, a Ludington High School student sponsored by the Edwin H. Ewing American Legion Auxiliary Unit 76 in Ludington, was selected as a runner-up for the Central Region and will receive a $5,000 scholarship.

Nadia is the great-grandchild of First Lieutenant Louis C Odette.  He served in the U.S. Army Air Corps from December 4, 1943, to February 1, 1945.

“It is such an honor to have received this scholarship in memory of him,” said Nadia.

Nadia participated in the 2024 Michigan Girls State program this past June and was a member of the City of Dubay.

2024 Michigan Boys State participant Joshua Hooker, from South Lyon, who attends Cranbrook Schools, was selected as the American Legion Department of Michigan recipient and will receive a $1,250 scholarship.

Ninety-five scholarships were awarded, totaling $243,750.

What is the Samsung American Legion Scholarship? To show its appreciation for U.S. veterans who came to Korea’s aid during its struggle against communist forces during the Korean War, worldwide electronics leader Samsung endowed a scholarship fund of $5 million in 1966. The American Legion administers the Samsung American Legion Scholarship Program, which is funded by interest and other income from the endowment.

Ten $10,000, ten $5,000, and seventy-five $1,250 awards were announced on Friday.

Do you know a High School Junior who needs money to attend college?

Learn how to apply for the Samsung Scholarship here: https://www.legion-aux.org/scholarships/samsung-american-legion

To learn about Michigan Girls State, click here: https://michalaux.org/girls-state/

To learn about Michigan Boys State, click here: https://michiganboysstate.org/

#Scholarships #MichiganGirlsState #ALAGirlsNation

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