Chaplain’s Corner
I am looking forward to a brand-new year. I am very excited to be your Chaplain. I can’t wait for this year’s Chaplains Workshop. I Pray that everyone stays healthy and safe.
Have you ever heard “Be the Angel to Someone Who Needs One”? In the coming year remember these words. Be there for the person who needs a shoulder to lean on. Be there for the person who just needs someone to talk to. Be there for the family who needs a little hope. There are many ways to be an “Angel”, it could be as simple as just being a friend.
Most people can be an “Angel” without even trying. Smiling at someone for no reason can make their day. Helping an elderly person up the stairs or across the room. A pat on the back when someone tries hard, and others don’t seem to notice. The simple little things you do for friends or even a stranger can be the lift they need. That little lift up from an “Angel.”
God uses each and every one of us daily to assist him in his work. Listen to the little voice more often, it usually is guiding you in a positive way. Remember Romans 8:28 And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to His purpose. And in Peter 4:10 he reminds us to use whatever gift we have been given to serve others.
May God bless you all in the coming year.