American Legion Auxiliary National President Lisa Williamson will visit two American Legion Posts during her visit. Join the department leadership and the national president on July 8 at the Walter Fraser American Legion Post 108 in Oxford. A meet-and-greet will be held from 4 p.m. until 5 p.m., with dinner at 5:30 p.m. Dinner will be a chicken dish, and the price will be $10. RSVP for dinner to Department 2nd Vice President Dawn Gramza at nursevna@aol.com
National President Williamson will be the guest of honor at a meet-and-greet at the SSG Michael A Dickinson II American Legion Post 257 in Battle Creek on July 9 from 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Light refreshments will be served.
Lisa Williamson of Fairbanks, Alaska, was elected national president of the American Legion Auxiliary (ALA) during the organization’s 102nd National Convention held Aug. 25-31 in Charlotte, N.C.
Williamson has held numerous leadership positions in the organization at the unit, district, department, and national levels. At the national level, she served as chair of several programs, including Veterans Affairs & Rehabilitation, Children & Youth, Education, Auxiliary Emergency Fund, Legislative, Constitution & Bylaws, Public Relations, Community Service, and Junior Activities. She also served as the national vice president in the 2022-2023 administrative year.
Williamson is a member of C. Russell Huber ALA Unit 57 in Fairbanks. She is eligible for ALA membership through her father, Ray Allington, her adoptive father, Keith LaChance, and through the military service of her son, Kyle, who serves in the Alaska Air Guard. Williamson is also an American Legion Rider.
Born in southern California, Williamson moved to Fairbanks when she was 7 years old. It has been her home ever since. However, she does escape the winter months to Arizona with her husband Darrel. She has two children, Danielle and Kyle, and two grandsons, Dawson and Micah.
In her professional life, Lisa worked for The American Legion Department of Alaska for eight years and has been a licensed realtor for over 20 years.
Maps to the posts:
Walter Fraser American Legion Post 108 in Oxford
SSG Michael A Dickinson II American Legion Post 257 in Battle Creek