Honorary Department Jr. President Abbie Jones – February 2025

Honorary Department Jr. President Abbie Jones

Photo credit: Mid-Michigan Honor Flight website.

It is an honor to serve the American Legion Auxiliary again this year and help our Veterans. Just a quick update on the Guardian Angel Medical Service Dogs: one of our three puppies has been born and named. I picked the name Nekko to honor my Uncle Johnny’s dog. Thank you again to all who supported this project.

Now, this year, our Junior Project is the Mid-Michigan Honor Flight. I flew in October as a Junior with my chaperone, Alicia Burton, a veteran and one of the Junior Committee Leaders. I was allowed to meet all the veterans and get to know them. When asked what my favorite part of the flight was, I said that everyone seemed to open up as the trip went on and that they mostly did so after they visited the monuments. The only bad part was when the bus broke down, but they got a new one immediately. This trip was amazing. When the flight landed home, the veterans were welcomed by a crowd applauding them and thanking them for their service. They had service dogs and medical miniature horses. Some of the veterans teared up. It was a healing trip for the veterans and a humbling trip for me.

I am trying to raise $120,000 so we can sponsor one full flight. Now, I know that’s a lot of money, but it averages out to be $661.00 per person on the flight. For reference, my school field trip to Washington was $1,420.00 per person. The honor flight team ensures they get the most for their money. I have been working hard to collect funds, and I’m willing to talk to any Unit, Post, SAL, Rider’s meeting or any other event you like. Send a request to my Chairperson, Dawn Burton and I or my Junior Committee Leaders will gladly participate in any fundraisers.

We hope Units, Posts, SAL members, and Riders will donate enough for at least one veteran, but we will take any amount you are willing to donate to this worthy cause. Wouldn’t it be awesome if the American Legion Family and Friends could sponsor a complete flight? I’ve been told something very special is in the works if we can fund a full flight, which will be announced at the Annual Convention.

The 18th District Legion sponsored two veterans and challenged all Districts to meet or beat them. Unit #248 Laingsburg sponsored two veterans and is challenging any Units in the Department to do the same or more. Will your District or Unit accept those challenges? Will you extend those challenges to your Riders and your Squadrons?

Thank you in advance to those who donate. Remember, make your check out to the American Legion Auxiliary Department of Michigan, and in the memo, please write Abbie’s Special Project or Honor Flight. We can do this if we all work together. Let’s make this another memorable year. We did tell National President Trish Ward we would do this.

Learn more about the Juniors program here: Juniors | The American Legion Auxiliary Department of Michigan

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