The Unit
The basic organization of the American Legion Auxiliary is the local unit. All Auxiliary members must hold membership in a local unit, which implements the work of department (state) and national programs. Through local units, the Auxiliary develops volunteers for the ALA’s mission of serving veterans, military and their families, and providing support for The American Legion Family and the community. The primary purpose of an Auxiliary unit is to aid The American Legion post to which it is attached in accomplishing American Legion Family projects in the community. The unit is an auxiliary to The American Legion post and takes its name, location and number. A unit can be organized only at the request of, and in connection with, an American Legion post. However, if a post is no longer active, a unit may continue to function as a “widow unit” and in all such instances the department adjutant of The American Legion should make certification, which would otherwise be made by a Legion post officer.
How to Organize a New Unit
The first step in the organization of an American Legion Auxiliary unit is to create interest among individuals in the community who are eligible for Auxiliary membership and to secure authorization for the creation of an Auxiliary unit from the post. Charter application forms, individual membership applications, suggested Constitution & Bylaws and any other needed supplies or information may be obtained from department headquarters. Department and District Officers are always ready to assist in installations and in providing expertise when needed.